Tuesday, September 30, 2008


There are 14 questions in all and time limit is 45 minutes.

SECTION - A : CHOOSE APPROPRIATE ALTERNATIVE : [1 mark each, Total marks 4]

  1. What is used generally as a connecting material in solar panels ?

    1. Silicon
    2. Silver
    3. Selenium
    4. Germanium

  2. ______ invented artificial radioactivity.

    1. Marie Curie
    2. Berkley
    3. Lord Rudherford
    4. Maxwell

  3. The mass of earth is ______ times the mass of mercury.

    1. 10
    2. 14
    3. 18
    4. 22

  4. Each nakshatra is an angular region of about ______.

    1. 15° 30'
    2. 14° 40'
    3. 13° 20'
    4. 12° 30'

    SECTION - B : ANSWER IN SHORT : [1 mark each, Total marks 4]

  5. What is the wavelength of visible light in meter ?
  6. How is charcoal obtained from wood ?
  7. What is corona ?
  8. What is celestial sphere ?

    SECTION - C : ANSWER IN BRIEF : [2 marks each, Total marks 6]

  9. Mention two advantages and two limitations of solar cooker.
  10. Explain the theory of formation of our solar system.
  11. Explain the installation of artificial satellite by space shuttle.

    SECTION - D : ANSWER THE FOLLOWING : [3 marks each, Total marks 6]

  12. Mention six characteristics of ideal fuel.
  13. Write a note on asteroids(six points).

    SECTION - E : ANSWER IN DETAIL : [5 marks each, Total marks 5]

  14. Write a note on Nuclear reactor with a neat diagram. OR Write a note on galaxy.

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