each, Total marks 15]
- The diameter of a bucky ball is about ______.
- 1 A°
- 10 A°
- 100 A°
- 1000 A°
- Absolute refractive index of any medium is always ______.
- 1
- greater than 1
- smaller than 1
- 0
- The unit of electric current is ______.
- coulomb-second
- coulomb/second
- volt/second
- coulomb/volt
- The direction of magnetic field lines is taken ______.
- N to S
- S to N
- entering both poles
- leaving both poles
- ______ is the superior quality of coal.
- Peat
- Lignite
- Bituminous
- Anthracite
- How many satellites does mercury have ?
- 30
- 21
- 8
- 0
- The concentration of H+ ions in neutral water is ______.
- 1 x 10-7 mol/lit
- -7.0 mol/lit
- 7.0 mol/lit
- (1/7) mol/lit
- Brine is ______.
- Na2CO3
- NaHCO3
- NaCl
- Na2SiO3
- The enzyme that converts milk to curd is ______.
- lactase
- invertase
- zymase
- cellulase
- Brass is an alloy of ______.
- copper and nickel
- copper and zinc
- copper and tin
- copper and iron
- The atomic number of sulphur is ______.
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- ______ shows phagocytosis.
- Amoeba
- Locust
- Earthworm
- Cockroach
- Which multicellular organism lacks the nervous system ?
- Hydra
- Locust
- Sponge
- Cockroach
- Disease caused by Treponema Palidium is _______.
- Syphilis
- Gonorrhoea
- Typhoid
- Minamata disease is caused by the pollution of
- Mercury
- Lead
- Arsenic
- Cadmium
SECTION - B : ANSWER IN SHORT : [1 mark each, Total
marks 15] - What are complimentary colours ?
- How many electrons should flow in one second to contribute electric current of 1 ampere ?
- What type of magnetic field arises when current passes through a linear wire ?
- Define : Solar constant.
- Why does the candle get extinguished when air is blown ?
- How many meters make 1 light year ?
- What is 1 molar(1 M) solution ?
- Write the chemical name of plaster of Paris.
- What is the monomer of natural rubber ?
- What is e.m.f. series (of metals) ?
- Give two examples of neutral oxides.
- What is the life span of human erythrocytes ?
- What is reflex arc ?
- What are homologous chromosomes ?
- What is Greenhouse effect ?
SECTION - C : ANSWER IN BRIEF : [2 marks each, Total
marks 24] - Mention the use of nanotechnology for resources like energy and water.
- Explain why dispersion of light occurs.
- Three resistors of 5 Ω, 10 Ω and 15 Ω are connected in parallel.If the voltage is 3 V, find the overall current flowing through the circuit. OR Explain the right hand thumb rule for straight conductor.
- Write a note on Jupiter.
- Describe Arrhenius' concept of acid and base.
- Write addition reactions(one each) of formaldehyde and propanone. OR Write a brief note on soap.
- Explain calcination giving examples of two reactions.
- Explain : Exchange of gases in leaves. OR Describe excretion and osmoregulation in amoeba.
- Mention characteristics of hormones.
- Write a note on puberty.
- Explain homologous organs with example.
- Describe Oxidation pond method.
Total marks 21] - Describe chemical effect of electric current giving example. OR Derive the expression for equivalent resistance(R) of three resistors connected in series.
- Explain : Solenoid.
- Describe the manufacture of bleaching powder. Write its reaction with dilute sulphuric acid and mention two uses.
- Describe froth floatation process with diagram. OR Describe Bayer's process for the concentration of bauxite ore.
- Describe light phase of photosynthesis. OR Describe digestive system of grasshopper with diagram.
- Describe the role of sex hormones in humans.
- Describe Mendel's concept of heredity.
SECTION - E : ANSWER IN DETAIL : [5 marks each, Total
marks 25] - Derive lens formula.
- Describe fractional distillation of petroleum with neat diagram and mention the products obtained. OR Describe construction and working of a space shuttle(diagram not necessary).
- Explain physical equilibrium with example.
- Describe laboratory preparation of hydrogen with diagram.
- Describe transportation of mineral elements in plants with diagram. OR Draw a neat diagram of heart and explain its working.
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