SECTION - A : CHOOSE APPROPRIATE ALTERNATIVE : [1 mark each, Total marks 3]
- The layer of dead cells having tiny openings on the roots is called...
- root nodule
- stomata
- chlorenchyma
- lenticels
- Cockroach shows _____ mode of nutrition.
- herbivorous
- carnivorous
- omnivorous
- parasitic
- The function of incisors is ______.
- cutting
- tearing
- grinding
- chewing
SECTION - B : ANSWER IN SHORT : [1 mark each, Total marks 3]
- What are autotrophic organisms ?
- How does the rate of photosynthesis depend upon the intensity of light ?
- Through what does the frog respire ?
SECTION - C : ANSWER IN BRIEF : [2 marks each, Total marks 8]
- Eaplain : Saprophytic nutrition.
- Describe exchange of gases in tissues.
- Describe aerobic respiration.
- Describe respiration in insects.
SECTION - D : ANSWER THE FOLLOWING : [3 marks each, Total marks 6]
- Describe the light phase of photosynthesis.
- Describe nutrition in amoeba with diagram.
SECTION - E : ANSWER IN DETAIL : [5 marks each, Total marks 5]
- Describe human respiratory system.
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