Friday, February 6, 2009


There are 15 questions in all and time limit is 45 minutes.

SECTION - A : CHOOSE APPROPRIATE ALTERNATIVE : [1 mark each, Total marks 4]

  1. Which of the following is not a nitrogenous base ?

    1. Adenine
    2. Guanine
    3. Cytosine
    4. Deoxyribose sugar

  2. ______ gave Germplasm theory.

    1. Lamarck
    2. Weismann
    3. Darwin
    4. Hugo De Vries

  3. Fossils of _____ provide evidence of evolution as the connecting link between birds and reptiles.

    1. Dinosaurs
    2. Lizard
    3. Archeopteryx
    4. Ostrich

  4. Which principle was given by Darwin ?

    1. Inheritance of acquired characters
    2. Germplasm theory
    3. Mutation theory
    4. Theory of natural selection

    SECTION - B : ANSWER IN SHORT : [1 mark each, Total marks 4]

  5. Give biological meaning of variation.
  6. What are homologous chromosomes ?
  7. What is the biological name of fruit fly ?
  8. What is a retrovirus ?

    SECTION - C : ANSWER IN BRIEF : [2 marks each, Total marks 8]

  9. Explain : Heredity.
  10. Explain : Mutation.
  11. Describe the role of environment in sex determination.
  12. Write in brief about components of nucleotides.

    SECTION - D : ANSWER THE FOLLOWING : [3 marks each, Total marks 9]

  13. Mention types of chromosome and describe any two.
  14. Mention different evidences to support evolution and describe comparative embryology.
  15. Describe the Watson-Crick model for the structure of DNA(diagram not essential).

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